How do I manage anonymous FTP Access?

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  5. How do I manage anonymous FTP Access?

Within Plesk the Administrator, or Client given domain creation capabilities, can set up Anonymous FTP capabilities for a given virtual host. Anonymous FTP is used to allow an open, yet controlled, environment for visitors to the domain to download and/or upload files to and from the domain account. Users will be able to log into ftp.’domain name’ with the standard anonymous user name and any password. Plesk allows the setup and limitation of incoming file space, number of connected users, and bandwidth usage throttling. You should take care when allowing the use of anonymous FTP and be sure to use all the limitation capabilities within the interface wisely. If set up with excessive limits, it could lead to problems with server resources as well as excessive bandwidth usage.


You can set up anonymous FTP only for domains that have physical hosting configured on exclusive IP.

To set up Anonymous FTP:

Click the Anonymous FTP icon on the Domain Administration page. The Anonymous FTP Account Management page appears:


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