Reset my admin password on Plesk Linux server

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  5. Reset my admin password on Plesk Linux server

This can be accomplished with the ch_admin_passwd binary.

[root@plesklinux root]# cd /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/
[root@plesklinux bin]# ./ch_admin_passwd --help

./ch_admin_passwd: Utility to set Plesk adminstrator’s password
Gets password from the environment variable PSA_PASSWORD
Password should be from 5 to 16 symbols and should not contain login name,
whitespace, quotes or national characters

Usage: ./ch_admin_passwd

-h, –help
display this help and exit

We must export the variable before running the binary. We will unset the variable when we are done.

[root@plesklinux bin]# export PSA_PASSWORD='newpass'
[root@plesklinux bin]# echo $PSA_PASSWORD
[root@plesklinux bin]# ./ch_admin_passwd
[root@plesklinux bin]# export PSA_PASSWORD=
[root@plesklinux bin]# cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow
[root@plesklinux bin]#

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